Monday, October 4, 2010

Organic House

Last week I wrote about getting a 250 cc cup of soup for 610 yen, which I considered something of a scam. I'm not sure why but 610 yen doesn't seem all that much at other restaurants I frequent for lunch - most have a set lunch menu that runs an average of 900 yen, and while it does include more than soup, it's still kind of a lot considering what you get. Yet for some reason I never feel ripped off. I think it's just something about soup...
By weight, I guess Organic House is just as bad a scam as Soup Stock Tokyo - or worse, considering that 218 g is a bit less than 250 cc (at least I think it is). But at Organic House you can get a whole variety of salads, cold and hot dishes, and even soups from the buffet line, and it's all organic, too! It's easy to pile up your plate and come in well above 218 g, of course, which hikes up the price. Both photos below cost me a little more than the one at the top.
Though everything I've tried on the Organic House buffet has been pretty good, they don't change the options very often, making it a little boring to eat there every day. The spinach with ground sesame seeds, a common Japanese dish that's jarringly sweet, is good, as are the pickles and the fried fish with eggplants and grated radish. The salmon, below, is from the hot line, and is a bit dry and sweet. While most of the dishes are at least vaguely Japanese, they do have a few Italianesque offerings, such as the boiled egg and cherry tomato salad with a green mayonnaise sauce reminiscent of pesto and the pumpkin sprinkled with almonds, raisins, and a mysterious white drizzle that might well be mayo again.
The takeaway boxes are available in a variety of sizes. This is the mid-size option, but there's a smaller box as well as a large, circular one. You can buy rice (white or white mixed with brown) on the side, as well as your choice of soup (miso, meat, or pumpkin). In addition to takeaway, there are also artily curved plastic plates you can use to eat in the cafe. It seems like a popular place, and though it only opened a few months ago it looks like it might hold out for a long tenure in this location.

Akasaka 1-12-32
Ark Mori Bldg. 1F

and other locations around Tokyo

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